Our Founders
Rev. Orrett Field
(Served: 1998-2017) His contribution...
Rev. Orrett Field was elected the new District Superintendent in January 1998, after Rev. Henry Ewan moved to the Western District. He served for almost two decades (1998-2017). Rev. Field was born June 13, 1951 and he died on June 13, 2017. He was married to Lorna Field. Churches pastored:
Rev. Henry Ewan
(Served: 1991-1997) His contribution...
In 1991, the Eastern Jamaica District elected Rev. Henry Ewan as superintendent. Previously, he had served as assistant district superintendent to Rev. Gersham Gray for several years. The District continued on its path of growth. The number of churches at that time stood at fifteen (15). Rev. Ewan was born on June 7, 1943 and he died on September 30, 2011. He was married to Veronica Brooks. Churches pastored: Rev. Ewan pastored six (6) churches during his ministry:
Rev. Gersham Gray
(Served: 1973-1990) His contribution...
After serving the Eastern Jamaica District for almost two decades, (17 years) as district superintendent (1973-1990), Rev. Gray decided not to seek re-election. With the support of 5 Assistant District Superintendents, during his tenure in ministry, he organized 5 churches, dedicated 3 and or ordained 5 pastors. Also during his tenure, a new headquarters church and complex were constructed and dedicated. In 2000, he retired from the pastorate of the headquarters church at Constant Spring, in Kingston. Rev. Gray was born on December 27, 1915 and he died on July 18, 2011. Churches pastored:
Rev. Amos King
(Served: 1968-1972) Rev. Amos King
(Served 1968-1972) First Superintendent of Wesleyan Holiness Church of Jamaica His contribution...
When the Wesleyan Holiness Church in Jamaica was enacted in 1968, the Rev. Amos King was appointed National Superintendent of the Church of Jamaica. He served until the 1972, when the Jamaica District was restructured into two autonomous districts. Churches pastored: