Chairman's Message
A Word for this Time
History has never before recorded such great challenges as within this 21st century when there is a great demand for the authentication and dissemination of truth to dispel falsehood. As Christians, our firm belief is founded on the Bible. It serves as the sole authority for information and life. Also emerging from it, is God’s Road Map for relating to Him and other human relationship. The Wesleyan Holiness Church, Jamaica District, believes that this website will help to reach the world and allow God to take priority and complete control of your life. As we challenge you to commit yourselves to God, we also challenge ourselves to be good servants of God, operating as agents of change in this world; we will be like the prophet Ezekiel, the watchman of the city; and Jeremiah, the weeping prophet; the seven deacons, taking care of the poor and neglected; and like Jesus who confronted men of sins and offered them salvation. We trust, as you explore this website and learn more about us, that the peace of God be yours; may His joy fill your hearts and that you'll find rest in Him. God’s blessing be with you. Rev. George Lynch, District Superintendent, Eastern Jamaica District January 2022 |
Our Mission
The spreading of Christian holiness throughout the land.
Our Vision 2025
By the year 2025:
- all local churches shall have attained level 2 or higher standard of administrative efficiency.
- The gender composition of our congregations will approach 50:50 and 50% of the congregation will be between 13 and 35 years old.
- The voice of the Wesleyan Holiness Church will be known as a defender of righteousness, justice, goodness and love across Jamaica.
The number of churches on the Eastern Jamaica District stands at eighteen (18), with a membership base of 1,400 at October 2020. The geographical area of the Eastern Jamaica District covers the parishes of Kingston, St. Andrew, Portland, St. Thomas, St. Catherine and St. Mary.
The District continues to hold onto its firm heritage and is earnestly pursuing the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.