Wesleyan Youth's Ministry
The mandate of the Eastern Jamaica District Youth Department is geared towards empowering youth to seek and recognize their purposes in the kingdom of God. This will be achieved through educating and re-energizing our young people, by embracing active study and application of the word of God, our handbook for victorious living.
The District comprises of eighteen (18) churches widely dispersed across Eastern Jamaica (Portland, St. Catherine, St Thomas, Kingston and St Andrew), hence it is incumbent on youth leaders to implement creative ways to keep our youths connected and involved. Youths identifying and walking in their God-given purpose require mentorship, hence, the Eastern Jamaica District Youth Mentorship Programme creates a haven that fosters confidentiality, creativity, discipleship, and training in various capacities, identifying and cultivating the gifts and abilities of our youth. The Wesleyan Youth are firm believers in promoting and enjoying a holistic view of Christian living. Therefore, the Wesleyan Youth will embark on various initiatives endorsing “Believers Living Holistically”. These initiatives include but are not limited to:
District Youth Executive for 2021 - 2022: